How my journey began


The crowd roared.

"As if she were born on a horse, this little girl from Clearwater, has blown us out of the water!”

..Belted out from the announcer's booth as a never-been-seen kid with a dream to ride the hell out of the horse she was on and no one thought had a chance to a unanimous win - the last frontier of partnership where talent and strategy is paramount; and as horses do - you can either ride or you can't.

Ever since, I've been a dark horse on the payroll of companies looking to innovate a new playbook of competitive advantage for some of the world’s most valuable brands.

A love of horses has been lifelong. An equestrian resume as long as a professional one it's only natural to fast forward two decades and lean on experiences with the world's most powerful supercar brands, and the worlds most valuable podium in business - my ideas have been setting the stage for some of the most high profile businesses and individuals from coast to coast.

And now you can harness my intellectual capital and team of advisors to grow your horse business.

What People Are Saying


She will always have a seat at the World Business Forum.

— Eduardo B., Director HSM Global

You just tell them, I absolutely support your ideas

—Marco Mattiaci; CEO, Ferrari North America


One of the most brilliant minds

— David Kirkpatrick, Former Senior

Editor of Internet and Technology, Fortune

I could write an entire chapter

just on her mind…

— Dan Ariely, Author/Speaker NYT Best Seller Predictibly Irrational

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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